looking closely... ; memoir of class 3

From the first time I stepped into the Yale campus at the start of this summer session, the astonishing architectural beauty was something that I could not stop being fond of. The gothic-style building was of course something that I would never see in the city of Tokyo, or even if you travel all around Japan. 

As the class started on the bench in front of the Beinecke Library, I was open-mouthed when I found out that the campus was not actually old for its history but is made to look old through various techniques. With Yale’s rich history, I totally used to believe that they existed for all those years in the past. Yet, I have very much agreed that the gothic-style buildings create an atmosphere of respected antiquity which enhanced the dignity of this university, which was the deeper reason why I liked the campus. 

With the class theme being to sketch a library, I’ve decided to look around the Sterling Library. It was one of the libraries I was fond of studying in, as well as having a gothic style. As I walked through the entrance hallway wandering around to find something to draw around the building, I came up with the idea to illustrate one of the windows. This was because, although windows are something that all buildings had in common, it greatly changes the way in which we would view the buildings. 

My poor artistic sense made it extremely difficult to draw a masterpiece, which was not even great. However, it was certainly a great exercise to look deeply into one particular part of the building. The gothic style was extremely complex and was using curves and straight lines. I believed that the spacial sense of with or without decorations in each of the squares was something that created this sense. The details of the small patterns, were something that made the windows look special, even when looking down from far.


  1. I think I like your sketch more than the original! You would be amazed to learn the lengths they go here to make the buildings' features appear old. Remind me to tell you some of the stories I've heard.


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