
YSS circles

 Being at YSS, my experiences here has been thriving all the way. It has been a while since I was exposed to such a diverse environment, where I am standing on my feet to communicate with such multi-talented members of yss 2022.  Feeling our time limits in front of us, I am now scared to go back to my own circle that I used to have. Here, I am not afraid to say hi to someone that I had met 2 minutes ago in the buttery and play ping pong. Yet, in the place where I used to be, I must be very very cautious about my surroundings, as well as how people would think about how I act.  Here, I feel more open minded, and so are the people around me. They are all willing to communicate, and are all capable of actually doing it. They have theirown visions of the future, which I do not se within the Japanese university students. I love their energy. Their passion. It is the motor to keep everyone moving forward to a new delightful moments that we could ever share among ourselves.  I know I will def

Scavenger Hunt; memoir of class 4

 "Art is life" Whenever I go to an art gallery, this word keeps on repeating in my head. It was the word of my best friend, who is now studying very hard, to get into one of the most difficult art universities in Japan. Art is everywhere in this world today, and even that us, as human beings were an art - she said.  Yale Center for British Art was something unlike what I had seen previously in Yale Art Gallery, for the paintings were more British, and some of them were quite modern.  There were a few paintings that struck me when I had seen one. One of them was the painting I chose to write a scavenger hunt on. I liked the surrealistic taste. It was sarcastic, and I loved it. I just hoped that the high school students can find them since the floor is complicated! Painting: British Gentlemen at Sir Horace Mann's Home in Florence DIRECTION:  Once you get to the fourth floor from the elevator, walk towards the red, blue, white and black splatter painting of the girl crying.

looking closely... ; memoir of class 3

From the first time I stepped into the Yale campus at the start of this summer session, the astonishing architectural beauty was something that I could not stop being fond of. The gothic-style building was of course something that I would never see in the city of Tokyo, or even if you travel all around Japan.   As the class started on the bench in front of the Beinecke Library, I was open-mouthed when I found out that the campus was not actually old for its history but is made to look old through various techniques. With Yale’s rich history, I totally used to believe that they existed for all those years in the past. Yet, I have very much agreed that the gothic-style buildings create an atmosphere of respected antiquity which enhanced the dignity of this university, which was the deeper reason why I liked the campus.  With the class theme being to sketch a library, I’ve decided to look around the Sterling Library. It was one of the libraries I was fond of studying in, as well as having

nature; memoir of class 2

In this third class, we have been to the observatory close to the Yale botanical garden. Although it was a very hot day, that got us sweating as we walked through the mountain roads, the view of East Rock was something worth looking at. I could not believe, how taking a few minute ride on the bus, away from the classroom, we were able to take an escape from school life and get surrounded by the rich power of nature. Since my university in Japan is located almost in the midst of Tokyo, it was something different. When thinking of the study fields here, it made me truly recognize the diversity of Yale campus, as it was not only the libraries for the humanitarian field, theatre and halls for artistic purposes but also a   rich nature for scientific purposes. Knowing the show is held in the planetarium every Tuesday, I am now excited to visit sometime on a sunny Tuesday night. Hopefully, next week would be fine. The Yale botanical garden was filled with pretty flowers. As I walked through

1st weekend at the Walnut Beach

  On Sunday 10th July 2022, I brought myself to Walnut Beach, which was 30 minutes drive from the Yale campus. With the 12 of us from the English Intensive speaking and listening class, we spent our whole afternoon by the beach. As I dislike swimming in the sea, I stayed by the shore to pick up some shells while enjoying the conversation with the other members who stayed by the sea shore.  The beach was bigger than I expected. Usually, in Japan, it is less than the half size of the beach we saw, therefore it is extremely crowded. Here, although there were some people, it was fairly free from the crowd to enjoy the whole atmosphere.  Personally, it was interesting that I got to clearly see how the sea tides occur since as the sun started to set, the shore came very close by. For it is difficult to stay by the sea shore for so long in Japan, it was a great experience.  The sea was sparkling reflecting the light from the sun, yet the wind was a little strong, that it felt cold once we wer

"art"ists; memoir of class 1

With the sun striking us hard, we left the classroom to explore the campus of Yale on the afternoon of July 7th. It was only my 4th day since the first arrival, and my heart pounded with joy for the adventure to come.  Music Knowing the shortcut to walk through the Schwartzman Center to the Yale art gallery, we were able to have a little look at the Woolsey concert hall.  The harmony of the brass band playing a rhythmic tune calmed me down for a little while. Knowing that the hall is scarcely open, especially during the summer, I truly felt lucky to be able to go in to see the astonishing view of the combined art of the architectural beauty and the sound they created in it. I could not stop wishing how great it would be if I was able to play a piece of orchestral music on such a beautiful occasion as I belong to Waseda's orchestra back in my home university in Japan, as a violinist. Since it was a brass band, I would love to see the orchestra at some point too.  Good hall always co